Energy And Emissions
We are reducing our carbon footprint by using energy resources prudently in all our operations. Consequently, while we enhance our efficiency we also reduce our environmental impact by fighting against climate change and create positive impact for a better life.
Like water and agricultural products, energy is an essential resource for our production processes. Increasing needs arising from a parallel increase in population necessitate an advanced level of efficiency in energy consumption. Moreover, greenhouse gases generated by energy consumption lay at the root of the problem of climate change whose impact is becoming more pronounced in recent years. This fact is among the main reasons for the increasing importance of reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gases.
Climate change, which is the most fundamental environmental problem today, ushers in many socioeconomic risks regarding its consequences. Especially because the beer industry is based on agricultural products, fighting against climate change is not only a risk that has to be dealt with in the context of production processes but also one that needs to be considered in view of the value chain in general. With this awareness, Anadolu Efes puts in place exemplary practices for the industry at large designed to reduce climate change risk factors within the general value chain.
Our goal:
For the first term of Anadolu Efes Positive Impact Plan between 2008 and 2015, we had aimed to reduce energy consumption and emissions in breweries per unit product by 25% compared to 2008. Changes occurred in market structure made negative impacts on our goals although we have achieved a significant performance. Despite all, we have achieved this target 46% for energy consumption, 32% for GHG emissions by 2015.
For 2020, we aim to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions per unit product in breweries by 17% compared to 2008.
The Structure of Energy and Emission Management:
There are three main policy documents determining the main principles of the Anadolu Efes Energy and Emission Management. As in every field, Anadolu Efes Code of Conduct lays down the general corporate principles we adopt in energy and emission management. Anadolu Efes Environmental Policy sets out the main principles of the environment policy in which energy and emission are defined as a core issue. Additionally, due to the role played by energy and emission management on our sustainability performance, Anadolu Efes Energy and Climate Change Policy has been disseminated as a separate policy document. Anadolu Efes Energy and Climate Change Policy and the energy and emission change management system and standards laid down in this document are followed in all Anadolu Efes country operations. In accordance with the Anadolu Efes Energy and Climate Change Policy, energy, emission and the related climate change management are covered under the two main dimensions of energy consumption and emission management. On these issue, which generally make up the company’s carbon footprint, the general corporate strategies and commitments are determined at the company top management level. The strategic direction that has been developed is transformed into long term plans and global and local action plans designed to realize these by the Supply Chain Directorate which is represented on the Executive Board. Country operations are responsible for putting these action plans in place through energy managers. The performance realized through country operations are followed up within the framework of the defined quantitative objectives. The performance, which is followed up by the indicators included in the individual performance objectives of the relevant managers at every level are also factored in the remuneration system. The Sustainability Champions Team; responsible for the direction of the strategic structuring and operational processes of the Anadolu Efes program, assumes an effective role in the management of the energy, emission and climate change as well. The team, where the core functions of Anadolu Efes are represented, is significant as it reflects the multidisciplinary approach the management of this issue requires. Decisions taken here provide input for the action plans developed by the Supply Chain Directorate. Systems that have been put in place play a significant role in implementing energy and emission management effectively and systematically. As in all other environmental issues, processes followed in energy and emission management have been designed in compliance with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Standard, ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard, ISO 14064 Calculation and Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Standard and the principles of the IPCC GHG Protocol. System assurance is achieved through periodic internal audits and independent audits carried out in accordance with ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certifications. Results obtained are periodically reported to country operations managers and relevant top management executives whereby areas of improvement are determined. In these areas, projects aiming to enhance performance are developed. Fighting against climate change is also a social responsibility. In this framework, Anadolu Efes has adopted the management principle of working with relevant stakeholders first and foremost with NGOs and initiatives working in the area of energy efficiency and fighting against climate change on a local, national and international level. To this end, the UNGC and the Energy Efficiency in Buildings Declaration developed by WBCSD Turkey (SKD) bring together international companies working actively in these areas. Within the scope of the principles laid down by this initiative, energy, emission and climate change management policies, systems and processes are developed, efficiency and R&D studies are carried out and the performance achieved is shared with the public through sustainability reports. Anadolu Efes is also a member of WBCSD Turkey Energy Efficiency Work Group and its sub-groups Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Energy Efficiency in Industry. Moreover, in our country operations, cooperation is developed with the relevant parties around common goals through work carried out on a local level. With a view to reducing the greenhouse gases generated during the production, distribution and consumption processes, Anadolu Efes undertakes practices aiming for energy efficiency, logistics optimization and cooler investments with reduced climate factors as well as R&D studies seeking to reduce energy and water consumption in the barley and hops production processes. The registered barley and hops species developed as a result of the R&D work carried out significantly to reduce the water and energy requirement in the production process compared to equivalent raw materials.
Energy and Emission Reduction Initiatives in 2015:
• Anadolu Efes Turkey Ankara Brewery made optimization of air compressor cooling pump and condenser pump, thus saved 70.400 kWh of energy and 36 tons CO2e annually.
• Anadolu Efes Russia Kazan Brewery, by avoiding heat losses in heating systems, saved 2.000.000 kWh of energy and 404 Ktons CO2e of GHG emissions annually.
• Anadolu Efes Kazakhstan Karaganda Brewery, first by transferring heating plant and than by replacing steam heaters on water heaters as well as maintenance and cleaning, achieved approximately an annual energy reduction of 3.500.000 kWh.
• Anadolu Efes Moldova Vitanta Brewery installed an air recovery system to PET blowing machine which resulted in an annual reduction of 180.000 kWh of energy and 86 tons CO2e of GHG emissions.
Enerji ve Emisyon Azaltım Çalışmaları |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Toplam Enerji Azaltımı (TJ) |
112 |
94 |
43 |
Toplam Emisyon Azaltımı (Ton CO2) |
7.683 |
5.888 |
3.213 |