Echancing The Value Chain
In order to create more added values we enhance our value chain.
Through business development projects and agricultural support programs, we aim to create a positive impact on the business values of stakeholders while reinforcing our corporate sustainability.
We included new varieties to our registered barley portfolio. We generated $30 million in total business volume through the Agriculture Support Programme in Turkey. We trained 4,069 grocers in 24 cities through the ÇABA Project.
Our Goal:
We will support the development of the hops production rate in Turkey and increase our procurement amount. We will initiate studies on a model to evaluate the sustainability performance of our suppliers.
Value Chain Enhancement Management Structure:
The focus on enhancing value chain is managed by two main dimensions; namely business development in value chain and agriculture. The supply pillar of business development practices in value chain is executed by the procurement units and the country organizations; whereas business and service processes pillar are managed by Market Development and Commercial Directorate units and country organizations.
Practices for supporting agriculture are managed by procurement units operating under Supply Chain Development Directorate along with Agricultural Product Development Unit. R&D studies and field applications in hops production are conducted by the Tarbes, which is a subsidiary of Anadolu Efes. Related local business units are also established within the country operations in which agriculture support programmes are in place.