Operational Reliability
Key to sustaining a better life together with our stakeholders lies in their perception of us as a trustworthy neighbour.
We work to have a positive impact by carrying out safer and greener operations through “0 accident” target and application of best available techniques.
Our Goal:
We will develop solid waste performance evaluation indicators and increase the rate of solid wastes disposed through reuse, recovery and us as by-products.
To keep improving our performance in occupational health and safety toward the target of “0 accident”.
Operational Reliability Management Structure:
Studies on operational reliability are managed by environmental safety, occupational health, biodiversity, waste management and safety (OHS) dimensions. In the facilities, studies for providing environmental safety are conducted by technical managers and quality experts, in line with plans presented by environmental management unit organized under Supply Chain Directorate. Practices for ensuring OHS in the facilities are carried out by healthcare experts operating under Human Resources Directorate and occupational safety experts reporting to the Supply Chain Directorate. These experts are responsible of the execution of working norms determined at headquarters. Projects for enhancing OHS performance are executed thanks to the studies of OHS Committees, which are established in country operations with the participation of employees and managers. Occupational safety norms regarding purchased services are controlled by Procurement Units; whereas Logistic Units are responsible for taking measures towards road safety in transport operations.
The principles followed and the activities conducted in such areas as waste management, the environment, and the protection of biodiversity are carried out as part of the Anadolu Efes Environmental Policy. The rules related to occupational health and safety fall under the Anadolu Efes Code of Conduct processes comply with ISO 14001 to ensure that the efforts for waste management, the environment, and the protection of biodiversity are conducted productively and in accordance with environmental legislation. The business processes regarding occupational health and safety conform to the OHSAS 18001 system standard. Procedures and principles regarding both environmental management and occupational health and safety are communicated to employees via manuals and trainings.
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Total OHS Training Hours |
22.363 |
14.259 |
26.885 |
Total Environmental Training Hours |
8.554 |
9.218 |
7.929 |
In order to develop management skills and performance, Anadolu Efes invests in environmental management. For this purpose, Anadolu Efes invested 6 million USD in 2014 and 4,1 million USD in 2015 as environmental costs.
The broad strategic guidelines in these areas are laid down by the company’s top management. Operational plans are then drafted by the Supply Chain Directorate on the basis of these guidelines for the country organizations to implement. The results are periodically evaluated and used, among other things, in the measurement of the performances of the executives concerned, which impacts their emoluments in turn. Independent external audits inspecting system standards are conducted along with the internal audits. The findings obtained as a result of performance evaluation and process control are submitted to the top management and shared with stakeholders through sustainability reports.
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Injury Rate |
1,63 |
1,33 |
1,89 |
Occupational Disease Rate |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Lost Day Rate |
12,82 |
15,62 |
11,45 |
Absentee Rate |
3.775 |
5.231 |
4.145 |
Fatalities |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Total Waste Disposal (kTon) |
438 |
447 |
439 |
557 |
514 |
462 |
Recycling Ratio (%) |
90,4 |
94,2 |
95,6 |
94,6 |
95,6 |
96,6 |